Thursday, April 11, 2013

journal #12

Timmy has made the most progress in the following areas his language skills and his motor skills. For example im sure you  have noticed he started saying what sounds like ma ma, da da, and/ or ba ba. He has also begin to scoot all over the classroom, very close to crawling. He can now fully roll over on his own.

The activity Timmy enjoys the most is pulling up on the exercise bar in the classroom to look at himself in the mirror. Actually any mirror we pull out in the classroom he enjoys and loves laughing and talking to himself.

Timmy is most excited and attentive when we go outside in the mornings. Since we are the infant classroom we dont have a set time that we go out like the other classes. So when we do go outside to play, he absolutely loves it. He loves playing in the grass and with the balls we have outside. He is usually so excited when we take the block pit outside with us.

Since Timmy is only nine months the best form of redirection for a child his age is usually just getting on the floor with him and giving him some extra attention when he is fussy. Picking him up or just sitting next to him on the floor usually calms him down.

One objective you as parents can work on at home with Timmy is start letting him feed himself little table foods or snack. For example little puffs and crackers that dissolve quickly in  his mouth are usually good tools to start self feeding.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

journal #11

First off let me say that i am a visual learner all the way. I need to see everything and thats the best for me personally to learn and remeber things. How i would reach a parent who is a visual learner would be a basic evaluation paper or papers, letting the parent know of the childs progress. This can be done by writing down all the accomplishments and where the child is learning at a slower rate at. During a parent/teacher conference i would mostly be referring to a paper and allowing the parent to look at the paper. Maybe make a copy for the parent to look at while im talking or one to take home. The auditory parent would benefit a lot from a parent/teacher conference. It would be a back and fourth communication between both of us. I would think that dealing with this kind of parent there would be a lot of questions on their behalf and a lot of talking and discussing. As for the kiniesthic learner parent. I can imagine bringing out photos, and possibly a lot of examples for the parent to see. I would think that with this kind of parent we would be very mobile in the classroom. Showing the parent all the examples of progress and non progress. I would think i would be talking a lot with my hands with this parent.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

journal # 10

 Health Alert for Tiny Tots Childcare

           It has been reported to the childcare that your child may have been exposed to pink eye.

What it is:

           Conjunctivitus (pink eye) is redness and inflammation of the membranes covering the whites of the eyes and the membranes on the inner part of the eyelids. These memebranes react to a wide range of bacteria, viruses,allergy-provoking agents,irritants, and toxic agents.

How is it spread:

           Pink eye is spread through both bacterial and viral types by direct contact with the infected eye ssecretions, or contact with objects,or surfaces that have been contaminated with these eye secretions.

What you should look for:

          -redness in the white of the eye
          -swelling of the eyelids
          -itching or burning feeling of the eyelids
          -swollen and tender areas in front of the ears
          -a lot of tearing
          -clear or slightly thick, whitish drainage

If you think your child is infected or there is a possibly been infected, please call us and let us know. Have your child be seen by a pediatrician or urgent care to receive treatment. Please don't bring the child to the childcare until they have been seen my a doctor.

Here are a few tips to prevent pink eye:

      -don't share anything
      -proper hand washing
      -use alcohol-based hand rubs
      -do laundry every couple of days
      -change bed linen often
      -don't touch the eye or eyes that are infected
      -limit contact with lots of people

If you have any questions feel free to give me a call at 405-951-8689 or you can always stop by my office for any questions or concerns.


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

journal #9

Ill children

A child should be kept home from school if he/she has had a fever of over 101.9, vomiting, and/or diarrhea for 24 hours or more.

If the child becomes sick or ill while in school you will be immediately contacted by phone by the director letting you know whats going on with your child. Next if the child is vomits or has 3 or more loose stools within an hour accompanied with a fever of 101.9 you will be asked to come pick up your child for school. This is done to try to decrease the spread of infection.

There is an exception to these rules, if your child has had his/her shots within the last 48 hours then symptoms could possibly be overlooked.

Friday, March 15, 2013

journal #8

                                     Tiny Tots Daycare Newsletter
                                                          April 2013

  Hours of operation  Monday-Friday 7am-7pm

Theme for the month of April will be "water animals."

     Throughout the month of April we will be taking the time to explore different kinds of animals that live in the water/ocean. Check bulletin boards and with teachers for activities in each classroom related to this theme.

*SPRING* spring is here and although it will be warming up I just want to remind parents that open toed shoes and sandals are prohibited in the school for safety reasons.

  *NEW EMPLOYEES* I would like to introduce a few new faces to our facility. Regina Bell who will be work as the new assistant in the toddler classroom. Also Miranda Smith was hired as our lead teacher in the three year old classroom. We are excited to have them on board.

 Parents please be aware that our pickup time is at or before 7pm. No later than that please! We have had a few late pick ups here lately and the owner is asked to begin charging a late fee as of May 1, 2013. The fee will be an initial 20.00 after 7:10, one dollar per minute at 7:11. Please be prompt so t his doesn't apply to you.

Have a good month. We the staff are here for you if you have any questions my number is 405-889-9876 and my personal email is Also feel free to stop by my office as usual with any problems or concerns.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

journal #6

discussion questions on page 66

1. The confidentiality was broke with the mother first off because she had overheard the teacher talking about other students and other families at a restaurant the night before.

2. The confidentiality was broke with the child because at recess and in the classroom he overheard the 2 teachers talking about him and his disability in front of the other kids and to each other during class time.

3. I don't think there should have been an in-depth discussion about his disability between the directors it seems they had a long conversation about him. I think maybe the other director should have said less information and then told the new director she needed to have a conversation with the mother to get more details.

4. This meeting should have maybe included the mother, the director, and the teacher only if approved by the parent first.

5. I think if you were going to talk to the classmates about Eric's disability, it should have been to make him feel included and not to make him feel left out or different. Otherwise I don't think its necessary to bring it up with the kids.

6. Some methods i think would have eased his first day was first off the teacher should have made him feel included in activities, maybe payed a little more attention to him on this day. His lovie should not have been taken away, and the incident with his sandwich if outside food was not allowed this should have been brought up to the mother at drop off. When it was noticed that he was playing by himself outside maybe a teacher should have interacted with him instead of gossiping about him.

7. This teacher is all the way inappropriate, it is not okay to talk about the kids you work with, their behaviors, or their family issues with friends and relatives. This kind of stuff should be on a need to know basis, only if it pertains to the way a child is acting or participating in class. No names should have been used while she was out to dinner talking about these children.

8. Even if it happened in the lounge at work and its amongst other co-workers i still feel that the only people that need to know about this stuff is directors, assistant directors, and teachers who directly work with those kids on a day to day basis. Family issues and problems should not be spread around the childcare or school.

9. As the director i would have a staff meeting about gossip and about privacy. Then i would have to coach the teacher on privacy, and let her know how her actions affected the family. Talk with the mother and let her know that the problem with the teacher has been handled. Also as the director i would have let the mom tell me about her sons problems he had at his other daycare, and let her tell me some of the concerns she had there, instead of immediately jumping to the conclusion that i know all about his issues.

10. I think the mother should leave the child at this school.

11. I think that the mother should give this daycare a little more time before she moves her son again. My first reason for this would be because i wouldn't want to shock the child again with another drastic change. Allow him some time to adjust and make new friends. Give the teacher a chance to rectify her wrongs with the way she handled him on his first day. Obviously if the problems persist and he cant move up to another teacher anytime soon then I'm sure she would be within her rights to move him again.

Friday, March 1, 2013

journal # 7

So after i watched what not to wear, i will admit that i never watched one episode or even heard of the show really. To me dressing for success first means that you are comfortble in what you have on. You can wear sexy clothes and be dressy but if you feel akward or ugly in it, your personality and the way you act while you have it on will reflect how you deal with people. To me what dressing for success looks like is nice dress slacks, dress skirt, and a blouse. Doesnt mean you have to wear high heel shoes but a pair of nice flats would look ok. I feel like youre clothes should fit youre body just right, not to tight and not to big. A low cut blouse would be acceptable but not if your cleavage would be coming out of the shirt. On the other side of the spectrum i could say that if your clothes are to baggy and big then that wouldnt look right either, you dont want a shirt that continues to come off or slide off the arm or shoulder.